The vertical way

Nature and technology.
Nature and technology are rarely associated to one another, but for us they are key ingredients that we blend together to attain flavor and sustainability. Thanks to an innovative integrated technological system, our production process can perfectly balance all inputs necessary for plant growth, creating a truly ideal environment. This "tailor-made" approach is an extension of our philosophy of always focusing on achieving optimal conditions for exceptional results.
Our Vertical Farming model becomes a valuable resource for traditional agriculture providing much needed solutions to issues related to urbanization, food safety and food access, water scarcity, land use and traceability, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

What does all this mean?
Tailor-made rooms.
Growing up isn’t easy! For this very reason we want to support all our seedlings by designing unique and separate environments best suited for each variety, called "growing rooms". To help you imagine them, they are vertical (which is probably what you would expect from a Vertical Farm). The surprising thing is that they allow us to grow our plants all year round, and that within them, our innovative operating system is able to perfectly balance all the essential elements that are needed for growth: water, light, air, and soil. All this leads to truly amazing results.

It’s a matter of substrate.
Some say perfection does not exist, but we believe that it has to be possible. Starting from the substrate we use for our seeds, tailored to each single variety, designed for their optimal growth. Thanks to its unique properties and the perfectly calibrated arrangement of the seeds, each seed will enjoy maximum comfort while growing.
After all, doesn't a seed that is so pure, untreated and of the highest quality, deserve the very best?

Feel it in the air.
By now, you will probably have understood that we wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the well-being of our plants. All the same, just listen to what our air filtering and distribution system can achieve. It generates a smooth air flow and ensures an ideal environment for our baby plants. It purifies the air and maintains the ideal temperature and humidity levels all year round, making sure it’s always the perfect season.

Water: less is more.
Imagine yourself on a beach at sunset, with the water keeping your feet fresh, wave after wave. What a wonderful feeling! Our plants experience this sensation every time they feel the need for it. Our plants only receive the exact amount of mineral-enriched water necessary for their well-being through their roots. The excess of water is then recovered, rebalanced and recirculated, thus enormously reducing waste.

Light recipes.
To grow seedlings at their best you need the right light. Our high-efficiency LEDs allow us to create ideal “light recipes” for growing crops. They replicate the light necessary to recreate the passing of days and seasons and can be modulated according to the growth phase. We don’t take light lightly.

Ready to go out.
We have come to the end of our journey. When flavor reaches its peak, our produce is harvested, packaged, distributed and can be tasted the very same day. That’s what real freshness tastes like!

Word of Gaia VF.
Wait ! Before closing, we would like to introduce you to someone very special, with an extraordinary intelligence, which I would almost describe as superhuman. This is our Gaia VF, a cutting-edge artificial intelligence system and passionate vertical farmer. It is operational every minute of the day and documents the entire journey, from seed to shelf, thus guaranteeing total traceability.
Gaia VF loves her work... does that surprise you?! She has the honor of accompanying the seeds as they grow, seeing them become tender leaves, then enter their bags, ready to arrive at your door, in a fully integrated supply chain. And no one dares touch their plants! The plant has no secrets for it: thanks to its integrated cameras, it understands whether the plants are doing well and identifies when they reach the peak of their growth and are ready to be cut. She is in fact the conductor of our entire production process, but the real star of this perfect harmony always remains Mother Nature, present in every element of the growing process.

Where we are growing
One Vertical Farm leads to another. Or at least this is the effect our work has on our team.
Our Vertical Farm in Cirimido is among the largest and most advanced in the world. But that's not all: we are working to expand throughout Europe and create new Vertical Farms to bring a wave of freshness to the world of agriculture. Address of the production plant: Via Giuseppe Mazzini, Cirimido (CO).